Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My 1st Birthday in Brazil
I have officially had my 1st birthday in Brazil. I turned 9 on October 27th. Since we are in Porto Alegre now, there are 5 missionary boys close by and they all got to come to my sleepover. Everyone brought their light sabers and we played/fought with them. We even dressed up like Jedi's. It was lots of fun and with my great backyard we had plenty of room to play. We even played dodgeball on the balcony and the ball went over the fence and into the neighbors pool a couple of times. We made pizzas. Mom and Dad bought personal pan pizza crusts and we all got to make our own pizzas. It was really cool and we ate lots of pizza. I didn't want a cake so Mom baked a cookie cake and decorated it with M&M's. It was better than any cake we could have bought! I had a great 9th birthday in Brazil.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Big Move

We are about the move to Porto Alegre. I am excited about some silly things, but I will have a balcony at my house in Porto Alegre. I am also getting a double bed instead of just a single bed like I have now. I am excited about these two things. We are excited to move and can't wait. I am going to miss all my friends here in Campinas. Pedro, Brandon, Ricardo, Gustavo, Rafael, Rafael, Caui and Ana Carolina are some of the friends that I am going to miss.
We are going to drive to Porto Alegre. It is going to take us 4 days to get down there. We are going to stop in Curitiba and then to Florianopolis to visit our friends Malcolm and Dana Philips and then on to PoA. Our house is ready for us and I can't wait to get there. We have already started packing and all of my winter clothes are packed and ready to go. I think we are leaving on September 9th or something. I'll let you know when mom and dad tell me for sure.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I have a new little friend
My new little friend is Gostavo. We met him when me and mom were walking down the street. He is only two and when we walked by his house the first time he was shy and wouldn't even say hello. But when we got down the block, he started yelling, "Menino, vai" which means little boy, come. Well, we waved at him and kept walking to the paderia. While we were there I bought him a chocolate candy and when we walked back by I gave it to him. Then he wanted to talk and play. So, we went home and got some toys and then went back and played with Gostavo. Me, mom and dad went back down there and mom and dad ate cake and drank coffee with Go's parents. Go's dad speaks just a little bit of English so he could help mom and dad when they didn't know a Portuguese word. Me and mom got a chance to go back down to their house and visit for several days in a row for several hours at a time. Go's mom has been off on vacation from work so we have been able to play more but soon she will go back to work and he and I will both go back to school after our July vacation. He is a nice boy and I have had fun sharing rides on his bike and playing in his backyard. I think mom has enjoyed getting help with her Portuguese homework too.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mrs. Julietta again
Well, I took Mrs. Julietta a copy of the picture of she and I. I wrote on it that it was from her American friend Preston. She loved it and said that she would hang it on her wall. Well, a few weeks later we were at her house and she gave me a stuffed gorilla. She said that she got it for me and it was for me to take home. She was very excited to give me the "mocaquinho". I really like it and have added it to my collection of sleeping buddies. Well, last week mom got Mrs. Julietta a rose plant to go in her garden. It was a rose that was striped red and white. We took it to Mrs. Julietta and she could not believe that we got her a present. She told us that she had never received a gift equal to that. We stopped by today to see it in her garden and it is very beautiful. She in turn gave me a huge shell that I really like. I would pick it up and listen to the ocean everytime we were at her house and she gave it to me today. I love it and had mom clear off a space on the bookshelf for it. I will post a picture as soon as I get one.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Ms. Julietta
Ms. Julietta is my neighbor, she lives at the end of my street. My mom and I just met her last week when we were out walking. Ms. Julietta invited us into her garden to see some of her beautiful flowers and then into her house to see all her indoor plants. She has a beautiful home and we think that she lives alone. She said that we would have to come back sometime for coffee. She was very nice and very excited that we were there. When we asked if we could take pictures with her, she got so excited.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Pet Store friends
Hey, I'm sorry that I haven't posted on my blog in a while. I have been busy with my pet store firends. I will show you pictures below. I don't know if I have told you, but I go to the pet store almost every single day. They know me now and let me help with the animals, mostly dogs, but there were cats there the other day. They will sometimes let me hold the dogs, but mostly I just go by to say hello to them. My mom practices her Portuguese with the shop owner so we are both busy while we are there. Every few days my friends change, but here are the friends that were there last week. Aren't they adorable???
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Field Trip
I went on my first really field trip and mom and dad didn't get to go. We went to Sao Paulo to a history museum. My mom was worried because we had to take a bus 2 hours from here. She was afraid I would get lost, but I didn't. It was fun. We got to see all kinds of things and I learned a lot. We all brought our lunches and got to eat and play on a playground all at the same time. It was so much fun and I like Sao Paulo. We also went to a play about the history of Brazil. I learned about Brazil, but also about Rio Grande do Sul, which is the state where we will be moving. I understood a lot of things even though it was all in Portuguese.
I liked my first field trip. I hope there are a lot more of them.
I liked my first field trip. I hope there are a lot more of them.
day at the park
We went to the park yesterday and I got to wrangle a HUGE snake and see capybaras. Have you ever done that much in one day? Well, me neither, but we can pretend. There is a big fake snake at the park and me and Kati acted like she was being eaten by the snake so I jumped on his back an tried to save her.

Then as we finished up our walk around the huge lake we saw two big capybaras just sunning by the water. Tip: Never try to pet a capybara! They will bite. I don't know this first hand, but I've been told and I choose to believe it.

Next weekend we are going back to the park to ride the swan boats and the train that takes you on a tour of the park. I will get pictures of both next weekend and post them later.

Then as we finished up our walk around the huge lake we saw two big capybaras just sunning by the water. Tip: Never try to pet a capybara! They will bite. I don't know this first hand, but I've been told and I choose to believe it.

Next weekend we are going back to the park to ride the swan boats and the train that takes you on a tour of the park. I will get pictures of both next weekend and post them later.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Brazilian birthday party
One of my classmates, Rafael, had a birthday party last Friday night. It was from 7:00 - 11:00. It was late, but it was fun!!! Mom, Kati, and my brothers stayed at home with my missionary aunt, Aunt Toni. Me, Dad and Uncle Paul went to the party. Did I say that it was fun? Well, it was fun. It was at a party place, which they have lots of down here, and it had all kinds of things to do. There was rides, video games, computers to play on, a big play area with a huge ball pit, a dunk tank with balls instead of water, and best of all there was a zip line. I was scared the first time I did it and Dad had to make me go. After that though, all I wanted to do was the zip line. It was a blast! We had lots of food and a huge Ben 10 chocolate birthday cake. When it came time to sing happy birthday to the birthday boy, it was a huge ordeal. It put our little "Happy Birthday to You" song to shame. We clapped and sang and clapped and sang some more. Then we clapped some more. It was the best birthday party ever.
We had heard that when you accept an invitation to a Brazilian birthday party, it is rude to leave before the cake is cut and the cake is not cut until the very end. So, Dad knew that we were in for the long haul at this party and it was ok with me. Dad and Uncle Paul met a young couple that has only been married for a couple of weeks and they are going to come over for dinner with us sometime soon. They talked for a long time and Dad and Uncle Paul had as much fun as I did. Except that Dad was jealous that he couldn't do the zip line! Maybe next time Dad.
If you ever get a chance to go to a Brazilian birthday party, don't pass up the opportunity! It will be worth it.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Church in Brazil

We went to church today. There was almost no one that spoke English and I didn't understand anything. The singing was in Portuguese and so was the preaching. I didn't understand anything, did you hear me? No, I did understand when they said, "Oi" (Hello) and "Tudo bem" (Everything's well), but that was all. Even though I didn't understand much, the people were so nice. They shook my hand, hugged my neck, and kissed my cheek. The hug and kiss is very Brazilian. We didn't stay for Sunday School class, but I met all the kids in the class. They wanted me to stay and acted like they really liked meeting me. Maybe next week we can stay for Sunday School. I'm sure I will like it and have fun.
Friday, February 29, 2008
We are in Brazil!

We are in Brazil and I already have a new pet. I got a beta fish and named her Rainbow. She stays on our dining room table and is the best pet ever. She is red and blue. She is my poco peixe (little fish). I like to put a mirror in front of her so she will puff up.
I went to my new school today and I liked it alot. Kati and I will be in the same school and we will be right down the street from mom and dad's language school. I got to meet all my classmates and they are excited for me to get started.
That's all for now.
I went to my new school today and I liked it alot. Kati and I will be in the same school and we will be right down the street from mom and dad's language school. I got to meet all my classmates and they are excited for me to get started.
That's all for now.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Afternoon with Pawpaw
I went walking with my Pawpaw today. Me and Pawpaw had fun today because he wrestled with me. He is fun to play with but I can't beat him. When we went walking, we walked up the long driveway and stopped to talk to Yama the Llama. We fed him turnip greens and he loved them. He likes bananas and carrots better, but he loved the greens too. I only kind of like turnip greens, so if Yama will eat....I don't have to. We also stopped by and said hello to all 5 dogs: Cody, Casper, Lilly, Hatty, & Sarah. They are very nice to me because they know me. They are going to miss me when I'm gone and I will miss them too. My chicken, Snow, is going to miss me too.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Two weeks and contando (counting in Portuguese)
We have two weeks from today that we leave for Brazil. I am so excited! Me and my mom have packed up most of my stuff including a small box of toys. Mom said I could only take what I could fit in that box, but I stuffed some items in between my clothes. I think mom knows but she didn't say anything. We can only take 12 suitcases for all 6 of us, so mom and dad keep packing and repacking and it is funny to watch. I am trying to stay out of the way. We are over halfway finished packing and I can't wait for them to be done. I will let you know when we get finished.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Visa update
Mom and Dad are back from Miami and they got our visas. We should be leaving within the next 4 - 5 weeks. I'll let you know for sure when our departure date is set.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Parents in Miami
Hey everybody, I just wanted to let yall know that my parents have gone to Miami to apply for our Visas. I am so excited. This means we are getting closer to being in Brazil.
My parents left this morning so we are not sure how it is going to pan out but I will let you know how it goes when they come back. Ok I will post something when mt ma and pa get back.
My parents left this morning so we are not sure how it is going to pan out but I will let you know how it goes when they come back. Ok I will post something when mt ma and pa get back.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fun at the Farm
I am having a lot of fun at my grandparent's house, but I really miss all my friends from ILC. I especially miss Josiah, he was one of my best friends and the very first friend I met when we arrived. I haven't heard from him even though my mom sent his mom an email, so if any of you talk to Josiah or his family, tell him to email Preston.
Today I went to Mr. Jerry's house. He is one of my best friends and he lives close to my grandparents. He has lots of dogs, cats, chickens, & turkeys and one llama. Well, I got to hold 3 tiny baby turkeys today. They are so cute! Some of the baby turkeys in the past have gotten sick and died so Mr. Jerry is trying to keep these healthy so they will live. I am going to try and help him. He has one baby chicken named Snow (I named her) and she is considered mine. I helped to raise her. I have known her since the day she hatched and have helped raise her. Everyday for months last summer I worked with her and got her used to people. Now, she will run up to me to be picked up and she really likes to be held and especially held by me. He has 5 dogs and they don't let just anyone come around the chickens, but they will let me. The dogs names are Lilly, Haddie (they are sisters), Cody (I like to call him Cody Banks), Casper, and Sarah. Lilly & Haddie are border collies and the others are shelties. They are really beautiful dogs and nice once they get used to you. I love all of Mr. Jerry's animals and I will miss them when I'm gone. But I'm not gone yet, so I will have fun with them while I'm here.
The picture of the turkeys are not Mr. Jerry's, they are wild turkeys that came through our yard every morning and every evening for several months. I'm the one that spotted them for my parents. It was cool!
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Year
It is a new year and I have lots of new things about to happen. My dad is going to Miami next week to file for our visa's. When they get here we will be gone within one week. I can't wait. I'm scared and excited.
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