Last weekend my family and I went to the Botanical Gardens. I didn't know what was there, but I wanted to go so we could have a picnic. That's what my mom promised! We walked through the area of the gardens where they have all kinds of different pine trees. Me and my little brothers collected these huge pine cones. It was fun and my brothers really liked being able to walk around like the big people. We also went through the museum that they have there. It was really cool, but the coolest part was right when you walk in the door.

Can you tell what it is? It is a gigantic pre-historic alligator skull. If they would have let me, I could have fit inside it's mouth. It was one of the neatest things about the museum and about my day. There was also a skeleton of a giraffe that was cool, but not as cool as the alligator.

I liked eating lunch with my dad, mom, sister, and brothers on a blanket outside. I don't get to do that very much and I liked it. It was just like my mom promised!
We are going to another picnic tomorrow so I will write tomorrow about my picnic with my friends. Talk to you then!